Premier - Local Pharmacist

  • Insulin Injection Technique

    The insulin needs to go into the fat layer under the skin. Pinch the skin and put the needle in at a 45º angle. If your skin tissues are thicker, you may be able to inject straight up and down (90º angle). Check with your provider before doing this. Push the needle all the way into the skin.

  • Injecting Insulin Properly - Frequently Asked Questions

    We’re often asked why the FIT recommendations include 4-, 5- and 6-millimetre needles when we know that the shorter the better. Well, we have to do that because people across the country don’t necessarily have access to 4-millimetre needles, so we really want them to be using the shortest needle possible.


    Then the other thing that comes up as a frequently asked question is if someone’s BMI is higher, does that mean they need the longer needle?

Premier - Local Endocrinologist

Diabetes Now

Diabetes Now
