Pharmacist, discusses blood glucose meters.  For more information on diabetes please contact your local family physician or endocrinologist.

What is Local Pharmacist

A local pharmacist is a healthcare provider who is educated and trained in providing prescription medication to people. A local pharmacist also educates patients on properly using and storing medication; potential side effects and preventing drug interactions with other medications. If you have diabetes, you may take medication, including insulin, to manage your condition. A local pharmacist can help you understand why you need diabetes medication, the types of insulin available and how to prevent diabetes-related complications.

Your local pharmacist may work closely with your endocrinologist and family physician to help you get the most out of your diabetes medication. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. Symptoms include breathing difficulty, cough, mucus (sputum) production and wheezing.

While COPD can seriously affect your health, it doesn’t mean you can’t reduce its impact and improve your quality of life. Here are six lifestyle-related ways to keep your COPD under control.

1. If you smoke, stop. The majority of cases of COPD are directly related to cigarette smoking and by quitting smoking, you can reduce or prevent symptoms. Talk to your family physician about smoking cessation aids that might help you succeed. Also, avoid secondhand smoke.

2. Bring a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter home. Poor air quality and pollution can trigger COPD, so look for an air filter that will remove indoor air pollutants. 

3. Get your vaccinations. The common cold or flu can exacerbate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Opt for a flu vaccine, and make sure you’re up to date on your pneumococcal vaccine. If you have travel plans, ensure you have all the necessary travel vaccines. 

4. Maintain a healthy weight. When you’re overweight, your heart and lungs work harder to supply oxygen throughout your body. Being overweight or obese can also puts extra strain on your joints, which can limit your mobility. To help maintain a healthy weight eat a heart-healthy diet and get regular exercise. 

woman-with-doctor5. Find healthy ways to deal with stress. Stress can make many chronic health conditions worse, including COPD. You may find your COPD symptoms improve with regular exercise, breathing techniques, yoga, massage therapy and/or more sleep. 

6. Don’t be afraid to reach out. Whether it’s contacting your doctor to review medications or seeking counselling because you’re depressed about your health condition, a solid support system is essential.

By making healthy lifestyle choices and working closely with your GP and/or respiratory therapist, you can improve and even prevent COPD symptoms.

A vaccine provides immunity to a disease, typically by containing ingredients that resemble a disease-causing microorganism. A vaccine is made of small amounts of weak or dead germs that cause the disease being vaccinated against, which stimulates your body to recognize the germs as foreign. This allows the immune system to recognize and destroy these microorganisms later.

Types of Adult Vaccinations

Adult immunization rates are actually under-immunized and under-utilized. Some of the diseases that doctors vaccinate against have no cure or treatment, so it’s important to keep adult immunizations up to date. Examples of vaccinations that adults may need include:

• Hepatitis B (adults at risk or who have diabetes) 
• Pneumococcal (adults at risk over age 65). Pneumococcal pneumonia is a bacterial infection, and very similarly to a cough, cold or flu, it can be spread via airborne droplets when someone coughs or sneezes. If you have a pneumococcal infection, invasive pneumococcal disease is a concern, which occurs when the infection goes into your bloodstream and causes a bacteremia or bloodborne infection. It can even enter the nervous system and cause meningitis. 
• Seasonal influenza (flu) 
• Shingles (healthy adults over 50) 
• Tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) and diphtheria if you haven’t received a Tdap vaccine 

Talk to your healthcare provider if you'd like more information on COPD.



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